The Fractaliser
The Alchymeic intention of the Fractaliser is the awakening of Higher Consciousness or the evolution of Higher Mind. If we consider everyone’s constant thinking as an energetic stream of communication, then we can see the impact of 7 billion people’s thought forms! The amount of ‘wrong thinking’ (projected negative thought and projected negative emotions over lifetimes, in the form of fear, doubt, sorrow and anger), has created what appears in the subtle like a black cloud that has made this ‘place’, a place of ‘forgetting’. The Fractaliser is intended to transform the usual, cramped thinking processes that have for lifetimes overwhelmed heart feeling, thus granting us space to feel and connect to the Divine.
The Alchymeic design of the Fractliser incorporates a central rod; this two stacked Radiant Realm Fractal Earth rod stands through the central chamber with a gold-plated apex capstone in the shape of an arrowhead and incorporating a diamond. The dimensions of the Fractaliser are specifically related to the Great Pyramid at Giza. The Fractaliser shape creates a chamber or space within which to allow the flowering of the being to awaken as the breath and to have the weight of the gravity of ‘usual’ life lifted off the body. The gold apex of the Fractaliser is seen as the arrow piercing the darkness, while the diamond that rests inside the capstone holds a potent current, representing the Divine State, or the Bright of ‘Conscious Life’ amplified.
The Fractaliser is seen as the spearhead of the Divine, cutting through and creating a pathway for ascension. The Fractaliser moves to dissolve a structure of mind and its limitation and fixity. The ‘conventional mind’ or ‘cerebral intelligence’ as it may be termed, is an ideational fixity, wherein we need to strive to transcend all fixity, otherwise, we struggle with a cosmology that is completely imaginary and most certainly godless.
The Fractaliser is a miraculous event. With this Artefact, we can enjoy vast and mysterious well-being, which can also be received by holding a glass of water over its apex and having a drink. The intention of the Fractaliser is to break through the projected ‘planar’ thought patterns, which have no basis in reality.
As greater numbers of Fractalisers are placed across the earth plane, it is our prayer that there be a quickening and piercing of the ‘impossibility thinking’ that is so binding, while also providing the sanctuary for real contemplation and growth in God.
“The Fractaliser is intended to transform the usual, cramped, thinking processes… thus allowing space to feel and connect to the Divine.”
Please note: These are advanced Alchymeic artifacts and are not for general sale to the public. They are usually provided for use by Alchymie groups and for larger esoteric considerations, as together they form a significant part of the Worldwide Alchymeic Presence. If you are seriously interested in holding one of these sacred objects please contact us for more information.
The Evolution Of The Fractaliser
If you have a Fractaliser, you need to read this!
The Fractaliser’s sole purpose is to penetrate the weight of mindedness that has ruled this earth plane for lifetimes – to allow a space to be created for the ‘brain-mind’ to expand and flower infinitely above. The fragility of such flowering needs a space given for this adaptation, space for the brain-mind to learn to move on the basis of being a ‘feeling organ’. The intention held within the Fractaliser is to intensify this space, penetrating the crushing weight of what humanity has come to and not able to break through. It behoves us all to stand in this flowering fragility and continue to adapt to this new awakened form.
Fractaliser Upgraded – Energies Added – A profound energetic impact.
The Fractaliser central rods hold one main Energy on the upper and lower half – RCsL Fractal Earth Arranging 362. This Energy is Based on “Fractal Geometry”, Fractal Earth holds the Alchymeic Intention of grounding the life-current right through to the centre of the earth, inviting harmony & spaciousness to conditions of negativity and toxicity within the earth’s energy field. As an Arranging, it means it is never complete; it is always evolving, always in gestation. An Arranging ultimately intensifies the penetrating intelligence, thus creating a very potent Energy. There is a selection of Arranging Energies upon the Fractaliser central rod, each as a specified Energy with a given number.
The following is a list of the new Energies for the Fractaliser:
On May 21st 2010 the Fractaliser passed through an energetic upgrade, allowing it to reach a new level of intensity, to help hold this space. When birthing this new combinatorial group of Energies merging as the new Fractaliser, it was seen which ones were above and which ones were below. This is what was psychically witnessed with the new upgrade…
The Top half of the central rod:
A circle of light appeared at crown of head, as birthing occurred, fire appeared and in its midst Christ appeared holding a staff or rod – Thoth’s Staff. Stabilising the space as the intensity increased – cosmic fire intensity.
The Bottom half of the central rod:
A current of eight appeared from the base. Thousands of hands reaching into the space from below – all of a sudden Divine hands appeared at the base holding the lotus flower as it held the space to grow within the Fractal current.
The Top Section Of The Fractaliser Tube:
The top Fractal Earth Rod in its deep blue colour, represents the upward clearing of the earth-plane. Upon this rod the following additional Energies are placed in a circle around the top.
RCsL Arranging 31 – Function Power: The Neter
RCsL Arranging 39 – Quality is Function
RCsL Arranging 41 – Pan-Seminal Causal State
RCsL Arranging 43 – Qualitative Evolution
RCsL Arranging 44 – Volatile Principle
RCsL Arranging 46 – The Odour of the Neter
RCsL Arranging 166 – Genesis within Regeneration
Arranging 31 – ‘Function Power: The Neter’
The inside becomes the outside. Networks awaken deep within the brain and to the surface, activation of an evolutionary current. Expanding Consciousness. Three-dimensional, opening the passageways. Brain felt to be opening from fixity. In the original visions (written above) of RR Function Power: The Neter; The energy was seen specifically relating to networks awakening deep within the brain-mind. This area is the Reflection of the black matter of the universe, since the universe is the projection of consciousness. This Energy then is the activation of an evolutionary current that allows the expansion of Consciousness and the awakening to Synthesis or Volumetric Intelligence. Opening up these passages allows for the flowering of Cosmic Intelligence – which is inherent within the blueprint of the human awakening to Cosmic Man. The brain flowering is the release of the fixity and structure that has contained humankind into linear or planar intelligence for lifetimes.
Arranging 39 – ‘Quality is Function’.
The ‘Quality is Function’ is seeing the Process as a living Current, not as a something, always already the case:
— no historicity
— no fixity
— nothing to measure over against
— no quantity (science is based on quantity)
Always already happening – it can’t be measured – no magnitude, science goes the wrong way. Effect of Energy – everything is allowed to become Alive – becoming Living, no fixity.
Arranging 41 – ‘Pan-Seminal Causal State’
(literal = across all things that can grow their causal state). Vision appears of a Diamond – Divine Diamond. Hand of God appears in Transcendental Realm. Diamond resting in the palm of the Hand, held up as though intensifying the Current and directing it. Almost appears at that point on the Hand as fractalising the current. Becomes a defined Ray of Creative Current. Effect: Point of Fractalised Current spreads a Spectrum of Colour and Vibration. Spectrum of Colour and Energy Vibration activating and purifying layers of Colour, very different effects of colour on different areas of the being.
Arranging 43 – ‘The Qualitative Evolution’.
This energy can be seen in the witness as following the expansion of Consciousness and following the expansion or growth of the Brain Mind or the Extended Brain. This current relates then to the lifting out of the cramp or contraction of the brain mind, bringing about a liberation of Doubt. Qualitative Evolution is growing a Cosmic Brain, which ultimately is the evolutionary blueprint inherent within every born being. So as this Energy then is configured there is a lifting of the concentration of energy to a higher plateau. A shrill of higher vibration could be heard as the current becomes volumetric. The hole above the head is seen to open and allow the current of Divine incarnating force to enter. Whilst witnessing the movement then to the Arrangement, a large white dome on top of the Hole could be seen, filled with white Light.
Arranging 44 – ‘Volatile Principle’,
In witnessing the ‘Volatile Principle’, there was an explosion behind the face, behind the third eye, exploding the fixity of a Black Head. Black Head locked inside – doubt. Mortality face. Root of the nose – explosion, the seat of Consciousness. The failure to grow in the Cosmic Brain leads to growth of Black Mortal form (everything’s died), brain or head inside.
Arranging 46 – ‘The Odour of the Neter’.
“A Point of Light spreads a defining touch.” Effect of using this energy ‘The Odour of the Neter’ as a cause: seen as light opening in the brain, attention moves up to a tunnel of light – the Infinite Radiance beyond the point of leaving attention into the Infinite field. Daemons appear at the crown, gateway to the infinite – history of hellish fear fixated across mankind, effect moves to dissolve this wall at the gateway. This gateway has prevented a lot of souls from leaving – this must purify the way for many to leave.
Arranging 166 – ‘Genesis Within Regeneration’.
Saw at the beginning a key inside a triangle, a locked Kingdom held in stasis. The energy activated the combinatorial lock of opening the door to the Kingdom.
Kingdom = Pharaonic Kingdom, the Kingdom of God on Earth. Anthropocosmic Mentally – seeing it from all perspectives, simultaneous vision. Reanimation of lock that has been in stasis for lifetimes due to being hidden, misused, forgotten – layers of Rustiness – Reanimation of Corpifications of the Doorway – Doorway to the Heart – Rustiness in the ’Dalek Invasion’ of the mindedness of man – Doorway prevented from opening by the layers of lifetimes that have failed to know the present spark of intuitive current. Archeological site, layers of body plaques, faces of hell rushing towards me as I watched the opening of the doorway (like Indiana Jones ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’).
The Bottom Section Of The Fractaliser Tube:
The bottom Fractal Earth Rod in its red black colour is a penetration of the darkness of the earth-plane. Upon this rod the following additional Energies are placed in a circle around the bottom.
RCsL Arranging 45 – Archangels Suns of Primordial Nature
RCsL Arranging 177 – Initiatory Christic Passion
RCsL Arranging 180 – The Sacred
RCsL Arranging 288 – The Unholy
Arranging 45 – ‘Archangels Suns of Primordial Nature’.
With ‘Archangels Suns of Primordial Nature’, circles of Red Radiance felt as a Doorway – enter into a v of Red fire, in the fire the mortal Coil is released, attention shoots upward. Release the lower form, releases attention from primordial matter. Matter – death and decay. Serves as fixations are burnt away. Effect + cause.
Arranging 177 – ‘Initiatory Christic Passion’.
Initiatory Christic Passion – (holds the initiation process).
Holds the seed to the Alchymeic fire and explosion of the frontal personality – atomic explosion
Arranging 180 – ‘The Sacred’.
Vision of The Sacred: Cones of Light appear inside a porthole (place set aside – as well, necessary not sufficient). Engages you when entered, entrance to the present moment where everything is seen and understood as the literal is-ness – the present moment seen as it is Returned to the One, no separation but Only.
Arranging 288 – ‘The Unholy’.
‘Vengence is mine, sayeth the lord’ and so it is upon these filth of soul, the ’unholy’, those who celebrate the ascension of evil. When we look at this time, there is a celebration of evil, atheism has become a celebration, and the religious are considered dumb things. There is a vast celebration of evil and support of evil crimes, probation is given to evil criminals instead of jail time. It is the Hermes prophecy, where there is the celebration of the success of darkness.
This energy ‘The Unholy’ is given to counter this evil, to celebrate instead the Love of God and the ascendence of God in this world. Doubters like Richard Dawkins are apologists for the unholy in this world (writing endless books on the God delusion) completely denying Esotericism, instead celebrating science and the statement that there is no God. (Dawkins and others like him are too stupid to even know what they are doing.)
Vision: There was a confusion and mass of light and dark, a Divine hand was seen coming to pull the black dagger out of the heart of the earth plane. The Radiant Realm Force of Light pushing down on the mind everywhere represented by the swords metal. In the birthing, fire resulted. Out of the fire arose an angel of war with great fierceness to smite our enemies with an uncompromising force.