

Alchymie, Drug Use & Cultural Misappropriation

Alchymie, Drug Use & Cultural Misappropriation

Hello friends. We've been asked recently about using the Alchymeic Products in conjunction with drugs or 'consciousness' altering substances. This is a good consideration and we are absolutely happy to engage in such discussion. It is important for people to...

Best Psychic Clearing Product In Town…

Best Psychic Clearing Product In Town…

Why Is Psychic Wellbeing So Important? In addition to the physical levels of support we need like yoga, exercise, detox, and a healthy diet, there is an equally important practice we all need to engage - psychic clearing! We are all alive as energy - in fact,...

FEBRUARY – Awakening To The Feeling Dimension – Hermetic Year

FEBRUARY – Awakening To The Feeling Dimension – Hermetic Year

After releasing the previous year and establishing our new foundation in January, February brings us to the grounding of a whole new way of being - the awakening beyond ‘linear mind'  to the ‘Volumetric Current’ of Real Life, or the ‘feeling dimension’ of existence....

Meeting Archangel Jeremiel

Meeting Archangel Jeremiel

Hello friends. We have had some really great responses to the presence of these fantastic new Archangel Wands. We'd love to share some more of them with you... MEETING ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL... "After hearing the initial recording about the creation of the Archangels...

Octahedron Set

Octahedron Set

The Octahedrons are remarkable energy tools. They have come at a time when mankind is in great need of restoration to the intuition of Heart awakening. Thus these tools are directly allowing the possibility to initiate a whole new vibratory level, an evolutionary leap...



We are pleased to announce the arrival of a new Alchymeic Tool to support us in this great process of transformation and real spiritual awakening. This unique Energy addresses a whole new level of psychic clearing and helps to release us from levels of bondage...

March Hermetic Astrology

March Hermetic Astrology

Hello friends. Sorry for the late arrival of this article. Enjoy 🙂 Here we are in March and it's already been an interesting year astrologically and one that we are seeing profound influences all over the world. Have you heard this statement, “Love is Action”? It is...

Creating Sanctuary with the Bright Room Energy House

Creating Sanctuary with the Bright Room Energy House

We wanted to take this opportunity for the year to share with you a little more about the Bright Room Energy House that Miranda Kerr was referring to in her interview with Brook Sivendra  The Bright Room Energy House The Bright Room Energy House is designed to...

Our Fundamental Energy Centres – The Chakra and Nadis

Our Fundamental Energy Centres – The Chakra and Nadis

We are all beginning to discover that we are much more than we ordinarily appear to be – that not only do we have a physical body but also an energy body or aura. Awakening to this discovery, that we are alive as energy, and that we have many layers to our bodily form...

Travelling Bubbler Shifts Gears…

Travelling Bubbler Shifts Gears…

On occasion, and hopefully more frequently soon, we would like to bring you a feature story from a special group or Heart Of Space from around the world. There are many many people worldwide who are using the energies in group situations, witnessing and enjoying the...

HOS World Spotlight – Israel

HOS World Spotlight – Israel

On occasion, and hopefully more frequently soon, we would like to bring you a feature story from a special group or Heart Of Space from around the world. There are many many people worldwide who are using the energies in group situations, witnessing and enjoying the...

Asia Comes Onboard!

Asia Comes Onboard!

Our Asian representative, who has been working tirelessly to introduce the Hermetic Products into China, Hong Kong and Asia for several years now, is on her way to Hong Kong in three weeks with two more Travelling Bubblers and a Fractaliser! With the placement of a...

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Join our mailing list to learn more about the transformative power of these incredible Alchymie tools. Don't worry, we don't spam. And we definately don't share your details with anyone. We aim to send a monthly email with information about these wonderful Alchymeic Energies and their use. We also include inspiring spiritual considerations and invitations to special energy events. We'd love to have you join the journey with us.

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