This extraordinary new meditation tool has been created as an enhancement and deepening of any meditation practice. It has been created for physical interaction – the pyramid may be taken off, and the empowered golden ball may be cupped in the hands for communing with the Divine.
Real meditation is simply taking a moment to sit quietly in the present enjoyment of our confession of Happiness and allowing this Communion to consume our entire existence. Real meditation is therefore Communion with the Always Already Presence of the Infinite Current that lives and breathes us.
Hermes Invisible Pyramid – Adding this current – the sacred geometry relative to the Great Pyramid is held, giving the Divine lines of white light a doorway through which to immerse – or sit in the inner sanctum, beneath which is held the golden sphere – an orb that Radiates and holds sacred the Raison d’être of the Hermetic Art. The Esoteric Secret of dissolution of I into the Oneness of Only Consciousness or Divine Light. One is nourished, renewed, realigned to the Great Principle of Existence. A flooding of golden light washes through and consumes all in the forgetting of all that is, to the Remembrance of Only the Present Moment which is an Absolute Eternity. Sit in and with this current and become nothing where the body remembers and smiles all over. Ah, Divine Bliss!! Shhhh! It’s a whisper.
The Base holds the explosion of Light being made co-incident with impacting into material form, creating exquisite shape; hence the Snowflake.