2023 Threshold Training Immersion

2023 Threshold Training Immersion

CALLING ALL THRESHOLDERS! Exciting times are upon us as we unveil our much-anticipated Annual Thresholder Training Course! This cherished event is an invaluable opportunity for all Threshold Pack holders to enrich their expertise, deepen their knowledge, and further...
More About The Lion’s Gate Portal

More About The Lion’s Gate Portal

Welcome to the 8-8-2023 Lions Gate Portal Active from the end of July until the 14th of August Every year on and around the eighth day of the eighth month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gate Portal” or “the Lions Gateway”. The...
2023 August Offering Is here

2023 August Offering Is here

PRESENTING THE2023 AUGUST PRODUCT RELEASE Every year Hermes releases a series of exquisite and powerful new Hermetic Products. And this year is no exception!  *If you’d like more information on any of these items, please contact Hermes, or one of our qualified...

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