We wanted to take this opportunity for the year to share with you a little more about the Bright Room Energy House that Miranda Kerr was referring to in her interview with Brook Sivendra
The Bright Room Energy House
The Bright Room Energy House is designed to create sanctuary wherever it is placed. Sanctuary is a place that evokes an exquisite moment and allows the possibility of peace and tranquility to be found. Sanctuary is a space in which we can come to rest, and be restored. We need to create sanctuary in our lives to find balance and listen to our intuition. This may be supported through meditating, doing yoga or simply sitting and breathing in the Energy field of the Bright Room House.
We are entering the dawn of 2012 – which is referred to as the Age of Light. It is predicted to be a year of global change as old structures dissolve and the mind surrenders into Heart Feeling, or where the intuition of the Heart begins to be the dominant force. Everything will seem to be speeding up to force this transformation. The Bright Room Energy House infuses our lives with real energetic support to meet this intensity, recover from the demands upon us and help us participate in the spirit of this shift within consciousness.
Bright Room Energy Houses are being used all over the world by many individuals, families, professionals and companies – from Yoga studios and Spas, to corporate and retail environments.
The reports have been great. Here is one:
“We felt the Bright Room Energy House today in Iowa. What an incredible presence, and such a beautiful Artifact to behold. The biggest thing I noticed was the tangibility of each set of Vials as they were placed on the House: the Lights – you could clearly feel the lights holding each point in the field, the north, south, east and west; the Angel – a presence of incredible peace and sanctuary; Feng Shui Wizard – rounding out all corners and hard edges and more… I can feel a whole new world! ” – Stokes Dickins, MD Neurologist – USA
One of the most important functions of the Bright Room, is to psychically ‘clear’ and energetically transform the environment in which it is placed. It does this through Divine Vision and its unique Alchymeic structure based on sacred geometry. This allows the Energy of the House to radiate as a blissful field of Light throughout our environments, touching and blessing everything. It creates a space to be, a space to feel, a space to be renewed.
To psychically ‘clear’ our environments is to return them to a pristine quality, dissolving the accumulation of subtle energy communications, from people and other things like computers, machinery and household artifacts. So, to have a Bright Room Energy House quietly shining away in the office and/or home, really helps increase the positive energy in those environments.
To Purchase a Bright Room Energy House, Click here – Energy Alchymie Happiness