
The Alchymist & Philosopher’s Stone

There is an extraordinary story behind the creation of the Alchymie & Hermetic Artefacts. This is no ‘ordinary’ story… It is a story of a life time dedicated to the process of awakening and transformation within Consciousness – with one purpose – to touch and bless as many beings as possible.

The Alchymist – Jessa O’My Heart

Jessa O’My Heart is the ‘Alchymist’ of Hermes Far Eastern Shining. His work and dedication has been to allow as many beings as possible the opportunity to awaken ‘in place’ – in the present moment, wherever they were – with no need to ‘retreat’ from the world to dedicate ones life on spiritual growth, as has been tradition within most spiritual teachings. His teaching has always been that is that the ‘ordinary life’ provides enough ‘heat’ required to turn this primitive condition of the human, into Divine Being. Utlising the principles of Alchymie, combined with his own awakened Divine condition, his work brings to the world a unique new way and opportunity for spiritual growth and awakening.

The purpose of the Alchymeic work can be summed up in Jessa’s words;

“People ask, “How are the artefacts made?” There is no how. They are the same modification of consciousness that the world that we ‘know’ is. The form of this is pointed to by the statements, “In the beginning there was the Word and the Word was with God and God said, Let there Be”. Here there are three prime aspects; God (the Luminal, the Absolute or Perfect Radiance); the Word; the Nominal (pre-cosmic) and Let there Be (the phenomenal or the apparent world of manifestation). These artefacts are in the form of these three aspects. 

These artefacts are a modification in the style of Hermetic Gnostic science, named so after the father of this ‘Gnostic science’ or ‘Alchymie’, Hermes Trismegistus. This ‘science’ is therefore a creative manifestation of ‘force fields’ made actual through the Grace of GodThe ‘forces’ arise out of the Word; poems, ecstatic communication, structured information energies and the present phenomenal aspects of the manifest cosmos (e.g. tidal energy, supernova energy, northern and southern lights, the winds, the galaxies, the solar system, nebulae, fire balls, earthquakes, lightning, viruses, molecules, compounds, etc.). 

Hermetic science can only take place in the highest and truest sense with perfect God Realisation or awakening whole bodily as perfect identification with the Divine. In this Realisation the Perfect Radiance responds to the modification of the Nominal or the Word and the phenomenal or the actual. The artefacts are a Nominal and phenomenal construct made possible by the Grace of God

They artefacts therefore a living Divine manifestation focused in particular purposeful modifications that are described here in this book. They, like the ‘world’, are the Perfect Radiance of the Graceful Divine. Their ultimate purpose is yet to be revealed. The artefacts ‘touch’ people and remove some gross consequence from having lived ‘wrongly’, but more than this they are a powerful invitation to Gracefully surrender into the Truth of us or the spontaneous confession of Only God. May it be granted that more than just a ‘helpless’ few respond to this Wonderful Sacrificial Offering of the Great Graceful God.” – Jessa O’My Heart

The transformation and awakening  to consciousness Itself in Jessa’s own case brought with it a profound capacity for esoteric healing. Simply through the perfection of the ‘conduction’ of the life-force current itself, would provide profound initiation in others that led to radical shifts within their energy and lives. Thus his presence became a gift, as he came to rest in the Divine awakening that was now synonymous with his own being. 

He was driven to penetrate the fabric of existence and the structures of mind that have kept this earth plane and all on it, bound to suffering and mortal identification. This earth plane was seen as a realm of forgetting, where we as potential human beings have forgotten our true condition; where our heart’s intuition of Eternal Life and Remembrance of the Divine has been lost and overwhelmed by fear and the identification with separation. From the beginning Jessa’s life was driven riven by the desire to bring a healing touch to every being, Jessa’s journey within consciousness is an ‘arrow’ of one-pointedness to have every area of existence touched by ‘Radiant Conscious Light’.

“As Above, So Below” is the basis of Hermetic Science – the infinitely small and the infinitely large are the reflection of the One. It is where duality dissolves – where all separation comes to an end and only the Divine stands out. It is a restoration to the living heart. It is the form of reality – it is all there is to know when all-knowing dissolves in the awakening of love Itself. It is Jessa O’My Heart’s own awakened State and where all he touches in love are invited to be.

The greatest writing about Jessa’s life is from the foreword to his book
‘The Will Of God Is The Obligation To Love’…

“…Driven by the desire to bring a healing touch to every heart and its wounded-ness, more Hermetic language was developed. He worked day and night, unable to stop. Every person who he came into contact with represented another aspect of the whole. “As Above, So Below” is the basis of Hermetic Science – the infinitely small and the infinitely large are the reflection of the One. It is where duality dissolves – where all separation comes to an end and only the Divine stands out. It is a restoration to the living heart. It is the form of reality, all there is to know when all-knowing dissolves in the awakening of Love Itself. It is Jessa O’My Heart’s own awakened State and where all he touches in love are invited to be. Jessa’s journey within consciousness is an ‘arrow’ of one-pointedness to have every area of existence touched by light…”
– Showme Showers Heaven’s Bliss,
The Philosopher’s Stone

The Philosopher’s Stone – Showme Showers Heaven’s Bliss

The appearance of Jessa O’My Heart’s work in this world required a Philosopher’s Stone – a body to be worked for the sake of all – a form willing and capable of withstanding the sheer furnace of white hot heat that is the true Alchymeic flame. Showme Showers Heaven’s Bliss has been that sacrifice. 

Showme is the Philosopher’s Stone; the birthing current; the witness; the polar opposite to the Alchymist; the form through which the force of this Alchymie is grounded into the world. She has been perfectly submitted to the process of transformation via this Alchymie to the point that its  presence has been felt profoundly by hundreds of people across this world through many one-on-one sessions, years of workshops and teaching work. From the beginning of her work, the message has always been the same, un-wavering, un-compromising recognition that all beings are capable of profound accelerated growth and awakening as she’s been through, all the while remaining full of compassion for the suffering of this world.

My work has been to witness the emergence of the Alchymie work into the world and help birth it. I am the Prima Materia or the Initial Substance required to be transformed into the Gold of Enlightenment – that is the Philosopher’s Stone. My journey with Jessa O’My Heart has spanned a 40 years. It has been a journey that has ignited a passage of reawakening of the female form to Divine Conscious Light. This is a necessary liberation so that women, after lifetimes of suffering, are restored to the God Light and made able to include ‘consciousness itself’ as their own condition. This profound gift has restored the capacity and impulse to allow the male to awaken to the ‘feeling dimension’ of the female – “As Above So Below” has now become Unity consciousness.

My work is to be the polarised opposite to Jessa O’My Heart. A sacred process has ignited me as the witness and birthing of the Hermetic current into the world through varied forms. These forms hold the Divine intention that there may yet be time to make a difference and inspire a reawakening to consciousness; that we may heal the terrible wound and suffering that is apparent upon this Earth Plane. May there yet be time to touch the hearts of many. I’ve been given to witness the development of what is before us in the form of the Alchymeic Energies. They have moved into this place at such a pace, I know that Grace is entering to help us make the difference. To help us bring the conversion across humanity if we are to have a future at all.” Showme Showers Heaven’s Bliss

The Teaching Work – Bringing The Alchymie to The World

The explosion of energy that was to become the worldwide Alchymie Movement was ignited through Showme’s World Wide Workshop Tours, starting in 1996, with the first formal workshop – “Science Meets Spirituality”. This workshop was the beginnings of the dissolution of conventional Mind in the world, as Showme stood amongst the Scientists and their machines and drew them beyond the ordinary destiny of mind over against body. Over the next 25 years, hundreds of people from all over the world came from great distances to participate in the workshops. Ranging from one day gatherings to five day intensive residential courses, these ever expanding groups began to tell a story – the Hearts of mankind were beginning to respond to this profound gift of Real Transformation.

Showme’s work has also been to create the prototype of real Community, a place for beings to live in Sanctuary – a place that is not threatened by the densest aspects of life – a mutually supported environment where people could begin to grow and flower in the Alchymeic fire provided by both Jessa and Showme. This community, now thriving in Australia, is a living demonstration of her invitation and service to all those willing. Along with the Alchymeic artefacts, and Blessing of Jessa O’My Heart, all those living and breathing as the community are the testament to her tireless love, service and sacrifice.

“It is my sincerest heartfelt plea, that there may yet be time to touch enough hearts to allow truly human men and women, who will make a difference, so that Love can take hold here and that we do have a place on into the future for all human hearts to exist. Awakening to the Recognition that we are eternally loved and that our dependence is on the Divine Source itself and on nothing less. I know that Jessa O’ My Heart’s presence in my life has served my awakening in truth. His continued service has been to awaken conscious Recognition and penetration of the entire vision of this Realm of Existence in which we live.”  – Showme Showers Heaven’s Bliss

The Alchymeic Unification Of Awakened Male & Female Forms

 Together Jessa and Showme have demonstrated and brought to the world a profound and unique opportunity for awakening, for both men and women. They are the Alchymist & The Philosophers Stone – the male and female counterparts to the same form.. Thus the Alchymeic Work and all energies created are the culmination, summary and present living expression of their life  and process of awakening together.

All of the Alchymeic Energies currently in existence are held in a unique ‘locus of intention’ which can be connected with, enjoyed through the agency of the Alchymeic Products of Hemes Far Eastern Shining. This process of energy imbuement can only be performed by those who’s consciousness is truly awakened or where identification is perfectly coincidence with God Realisation.

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